Fawkes Coffee

Colombia Huila Supremo Medium Roast

$33.75 $36.22

“Supremo” carries the highest rating of any Colombian bean and is considered South America’s most honoured coffee. Supremo refers to the largest size of beans from Colombia — a screen size of 17 or 18, slightly larger than the “Excelso” distinction. This coffee is sourced from family-owned farms located in Huila, Colombia which is also home to the Nevado del Huila volcano. The area's resulting mineral-rich soil and microclimates contribute to a specific coffee which is very flavorful, but in no way overpowering, and low in acidity.

Cupping Notes Orange | Milk Chocolate | Cherry
Region Huila
Bourbon, Castillo, Caturra & Colombia
Process Sun-Dried & Fully Washed
Altitude 1350 – 1850 MASL
Soil Volcanic Loam
Certification Supremo (17/18 Screen)

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